Vicky | Company Director

On our second day together Nicole took me shopping, what a fantastic experience. Nicole had prepped the day before so waiting in each shop was a rail of clothes she had selected making the whole day incredibly efficient. I now have a wardrobe full of clothes that I feel really confident wearing and have outfits for many occasions. I can’t wait to go through the whole experience again for my winter wardrobe.



Anna | Marketer

Catherine | Account Manager

Claire | Lawyer

Clare | Nutritionist

Frances | Accountant (Partner)

Julia | Senior Product Manager

Julie | Marketing Director

Kate Pt.1 | Casting Director

Kate Pt.2 | Casting Director

Kate | Lawyer

Kate | Producer

Kathryn | Child Psychologist

Katy | PA

Margaret | Lawyer

Maria | Barrister

Melissa | Banker

Nicola | Director Investigations and Compliance

Nicole | Solicitor

Nisha | Lawyer

Rachel | Head Teacher

Rosalind | Finance Director

S. L | New Business Owner

S. Pathak | Business Consultant

Sarah | Lawyer

Tessa | Online Content Creator

Tyah | IT Specialist

Verity | Teacher

Vivienne | Investment Director