Frances | Accountant (Partner)

Before you met Nicole what were your main struggles when it came to your professional wardrobe?


I had a work uniform which consisted of a black pencil skirt and a silk shirt. It was boring. I hated getting ready for work and if I am honest, I was squeezing myself into clothes which were too small and dated.


What have you gained from this experience and what positive outcomes has it had on your life?


A huge amount of confidence. I said to Nicole in the first hour of our shopping day that she had done more for my confidence in one hour than I had managed over the past three years! I now feel not only relevant but confident in what I am wearing. I also don't open my wardrobe and think I have nothing to wear, rather I am excited about what I am going to put on!


Nicole has got me out of the rut of hating clothes shopping and I now look forward to it, excited to try on new styles, knowing what colours and styles will work for my body. She is also the daily voice in my head, having learnt a number of invaluable style tips from our time together.


Would you recommend Nicole? Why?


Yes, yes and yes!!! Nicole is that kind but firm big sister we all need. She is open, honest and pushes you to try on new styles and colours but does so in a kind and sympathetic way (she is also right when she says it will suit you!). I now have a wardrobe which transcends both work and play and one which is beautiful, classic and can be easily mixed and matched. I have absolutely loved every session with Nicole and I can't wait for the next one.



Anna | Marketer

Catherine | Account Manager

Claire | Lawyer

Clare | Nutritionist

Julia | Senior Product Manager

Julie | Marketing Director

Kate Pt.1 | Casting Director

Kate Pt.2 | Casting Director

Kate | Lawyer

Kate | Producer

Kathryn | Child Psychologist

Katy | PA

Margaret | Lawyer

Maria | Barrister

Melissa | Banker

Nicola | Director Investigations and Compliance

Nicole | Solicitor

Nisha | Lawyer

Rachel | Head Teacher

Rosalind | Finance Director

S. L | New Business Owner

S. Pathak | Business Consultant

Sarah | Lawyer

Tessa | Online Content Creator

Tyah | IT Specialist

Verity | Teacher

Vicky | Company Director

Vivienne | Investment Director