Personal Shopping

Enjoy a successful shopping trip that is relaxed and fun. Together, we'll find new items that your professional wardrobe has been lacking.


Whether your business attire is smart/casual or more corporate I am here to help you achieve a wardrobe that will work for you and your lifestyle.

A pre-shopping research will be undertaken and a plan for our shopping trip made a day in advance. All garments are placed on hold so that our time together is spent wisely and efficiently.

I love love love personal shopping days, it’s finally arrived. We have decluttered and edited together only saving the remainder in your wardrobe that’s wearable. It’s now time to meet one another once again and go shopping!

You will enjoy the luxury experience of your own personal shopping suite in London’s top department stores and boutiques. You will be introduced to new brands and styles along the way.

Let me tell you something… If I could capture this one moment (and it happens every time) I would, but it happens so fast that in a blink of an eye it’s gone… it’s when my client, dressed in a new outfit finally sees herself for the first time and I mean really sees herself for the first time in the mirror. It’s this look of such beautiful inner confidence, that I haven’t seen before and nor has my client. My client is seeing herself for the first time, she’s looking at herself wondering “who is this person?” it still feels like her, she hasn’t really changed but it’s how she is now holding herself up high, she’s smiling with pride and she feels absolutely wonderful! These are the moments that I will always remember and these are the moments that make me realise time and time again why I love my job so much! It’s not just about clothes, it’s about changing the way people feel about themselves. It’s this new found confidence that blows my mind!

So in a nutshell the day is filled with emotional moments, triumphs and more coffee!

Throughout the day I’ll be snapping away taking loads of pictures of you in amazing outfits. I’ll then send you a pdf of your best looks - see it as your personal mini look book. 

Note For returning clients who shop with me regularly,  I offer stand alone Personal Shopping Sessions. For new clients please see my style packages page.

Duration | Full day (6 hrs with lunch)

Contact me

Nicole Page, Personal Stylist with a tan handbag


"I love love love personal shopping days, it’s finally arrived. We have decluttered and edited together only saving the remainder in your wardrobe that’s wearable."

Get in Touch

To find out how I can help you, please fill in the form, drop me an email at or schedule a call.


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